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WEBINAARI: microRNA – the future of diagnostics and therapeutics, BioVendor


WEBINAR: Expression profiling of microRNA – the future of diagnostics and therapeutics

Keskiviikkona 23.3 klo 10:00

Veronika Grešáková, Ph.D.

  • Scientific & Product manager for microRNA, LAMP and NGS at BioVendor
  • Molecular geneticist with a passion for novel biomarkers and approaches


The new generation of biomarkers is crucial for molecular orchestration of all signalling pathways – this is how you can briefly describe short, non-coding RNA molecules, microRNAs (miRNAs). Their involvement in expression regulation is essential for every single cell type in our body and yet, we have been struggling with their proper quantification for decades.

Finally, BioVendor brings two different platforms to specifically quantify the short RNA molecules of your interest, Two-Tailed PCR and miREIA. Let´s have a look at the incredible potential of these short but relevant molecules. Lue lisää


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